
Posts Tagged ‘Royal titles’

Update: Deborah Cavendish, Dowager Duchess of Devonshire, passed away on September 24, 2014, at age 94.

My commentary on the monarchy, circa 2010:

As an American activist for peace and justice, I am surprised to find myself consumed of late with stories of the English elite — the life of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire; Jane Austen novels; and the story of Lord Byron, Lady Caroline Lamb, Lord Melbourne and their circle. I have been wondering what fascinates me about these stories, and how I can be so excited about the lives of people who, in real life, I would find to be elitist, over-privileged, and ultimately knowing or unknowing cogs in an oppressive system of unfair hierarchy.

Well, I was gratified to find an article in the Guardian that at least toys with these conundrums. Finally, someone else who admires a Duchess, at least took the time to examine the role of a Duchess. (more…)

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